How To Get Paid to Sleep: 18 Innovative Ways

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Looking to make money while doing what you love most? Imagine a world where you can “get paid to sleep. We’ll look at how you can make money while you sleep. Stay with us to find out more about these awesome chances.

1. Reviewing Sleep Products

Getting paid to review sleep products is possible through various avenues, such as becoming a product tester or influencer. Companies may send you sleep-related products like mattresses, pillows, or sleep aids to test and provide honest reviews.

Reviewing Sleep Products

Earnings from reviewing sleep products depend on your online presence, followers, and negotiation skills. Some receive free products, while those with a strong following can earn from a few hundred dollars to several thousand per review through sponsored content and affiliate marketing, based on their reach and influence.

Join influencer marketing platforms like Influencity, AspireIQ, or BrandSnob to connect with brands for paid sleep product reviews.

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2. Working for Sleep Junkie

Sleep Junkie

Working for Sleep Junkie, or any similar company, as a professional sleeper is indeed possible. Your role typically involves testing and reviewing mattresses and sleep products, and assessing their comfort and performance. Compensation varies but can range from $50 to $500 per review, depending on the company and the complexity of the task. It’s an unusual but real way to make money while enjoying a good night’s sleep.

Find Out More: 15 Places to Get Paid to Take Pictures

3. Participating in Sleep Studies

You can get paid to sleep by participating in sleep studies conducted by research institutions, universities, or pharmaceutical companies. These studies often require volunteers to sleep in a controlled environment while researchers monitor various aspects of their sleep patterns and health.

You can find paid sleep study opportunities on 

The compensation can vary, but it typically ranges from $100 to $500 or more per night, depending on the study’s duration and requirements. Payment amounts may also differ based on the location and the specific focus of the research.

Read More: 10 Ways to Get Paid to Watch Videos on YouTube

4. Becoming a Hotel Mystery Shopper

Becoming a Hotel Mystery Shopper

Becoming a hotel mystery shopper is an exciting way to get paid to sleep. Hotels hire mystery shoppers to evaluate the quality of their services and facilities, including the sleep experience. You can earn around $50 to $100 per assignment, plus expenses like room and meals. It’s a unique opportunity to enjoy a comfortable hotel stay while earning extra income.

Some reputable mystery shopping platforms and companies where you can search for hotel mystery shopping assignments include Coyle Hospitality, BestMark, Second To None, and A Closer Look.

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6. Security Guard for Sleep Clinics

Sleep clinics require security to ensure the safety and privacy of their patients. Becoming a security guard for such facilities can provide a stable job that revolves around the world of sleep. Your responsibilities may include monitoring the premises and ensuring a peaceful environment for patients.

Use online job search platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, or Monster to search for relevant positions. Make sure to use keywords like “security guard,” “sleep clinic,” or “overnight monitor” in your search.

7. Line Sitter for Sleep-Related Events

Some sleep-related events, such as product launches or conferences, have long lines of enthusiastic attendees. You can offer line-sitting services, allowing people to get a good night’s sleep or enjoy their day while you wait in line on their behalf. It’s a unique way to blend convenience and sleep-related events.

Websites and platforms like TaskRabbit often have listings for sleep-related gigs.

8. Overnight House Sitter

Getting paid to sleep as an overnight house sitter is a unique job opportunity. Homeowners hire overnight house sitters to ensure their property’s security and care while they’re away. Compensation varies depending on location and responsibilities but can range from $25 to $50 or more per night.

You can find overnight house-sitting opportunities on house-sitting websites, local classifieds, or through referrals from friends and family.

9. Paid Sleep Surveys

Companies and research institutions often conduct sleep surveys to gather valuable data. Participating in these surveys can earn you extra income while sharing your sleep habits and experiences. Your insights may contribute to advancements in sleep science.

10. Overnight Pet Sitter

Overnight Pet Sitter

If you love pets and sleep, consider becoming an overnight pet sitter. You’ll be responsible for taking care of pets, ensuring their comfort, and providing them with a peaceful sleeping environment while their owners are away.

Sign up on online platforms like Rover, Wag, or to connect with pet owners seeking overnight pet sitters. These platforms provide a platform for you to advertise your services and gain clients.

11. Live Streaming Yourself Sleeping

Believe it or not, there is a niche for live-streaming your sleep. Some platforms, like Twitch or specialized websites, cater to this unique audience. Some viewers enjoy watching sleep streams for relaxation or background noise. Additionally, you can earn money through donations from viewers, subscription fees, ad revenue, and sponsorship deals.

12. Become a Professional Sleep Coach

If you’re passionate about sleep and want to help others improve their sleep quality, consider becoming a certified sleep coach. Many individuals are willing to pay for professional guidance on how to sleep better. You can offer personalized advice, create sleep plans, and conduct online coaching sessions to help your clients achieve a good night’s sleep.

Create a website, and social media presence, and network with healthcare professionals, wellness centers, or gyms to reach potential clients.

15. Write a Book on Sleep

If you’re a skilled writer, consider authoring a book on sleep. You can explore various aspects of sleep, from its benefits and myths to sleep disorders and solutions. Self-publishing on platforms like Amazon Kindle can help you reach a global audience, and book sales can be a consistent source of income.

16. Develop a Sleep-Tracking Mobile App

Earning from a sleep-tracking mobile app involves a strategic approach that can be financially rewarding. To embark on this journey, the first step is to develop a top-notch app that offers valuable features for users, such as comprehensive sleep data analysis and personalized recommendations. Once your app is ready, you can monetize it through popular platforms like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, where users can either pay for downloads or opt for in-app purchases.

Sleep-Tracking Mobile App

Appy Pie: Appy Pie offers a free app builder that allows you to create simple mobile apps without coding.

Thunkable: Thunkable offers a free platform for creating Android and iOS apps using a drag-and-drop interface.

MIT App Inventor: Developed by MIT, this free platform provides a visual way to create Android apps.

17. Start a Sleep Podcast

With the podcast industry growing rapidly, starting a sleep-themed podcast can be a fantastic way to reach a wide audience. Cover various sleep-related topics, invite experts as guests, and monetize your podcast through ads, sponsorships, and listener support.

18. Offer Online Sleep Workshops

Host online sleep workshops to share your knowledge and expertise with others. Whether it’s on topics like sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, or insomnia management, people are willing to pay for informative sessions that can improve their sleep quality. Platforms like Zoom and Udemy can help you set up and promote your workshops.


In the realm of sleep-related jobs, numerous opportunities await those who are passionate about sleep, comfort, and the science behind it. These opportunities allow you to combine your love for sleep with financial gain, making for a rewarding and restful career choice. Sweet dreams and successful careers await in the fascinating world of sleep-related jobs.

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